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Professor Cai Yongliang taught shipping finance EMBA GM English

Create Date: 2014-01-06 Click: 1386699

Professor Cai Yongliang, famous British and America language and culture and professor in school of foreign language in Shanghai Maritime University, came to Shanghai Advanced Institute of International Shipping to teach shipping finance EMBA GM English.

As a compulsory course in the teaching system of shipping finance EMBA, it aims at improving English literacy of professional manager and building the foundation for students getting in line with international standards and laying bridge for intercultural communication.

In the class, Professor Cai Yongliang explained the core concepts and actual skills of English negotiations in detail ,which let students to learn how to win the game, win-win and trust.

His teaching is profoundly and easy to understand, motivating everyone to participate with interest and enthusiasm through scene simulation, which gets the students’ praise.

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